Inspirational Books
Hank is a boy after Dad's own heart, following Dad's lead, loving baseball. When Hank gets himself in 'big trouble', Dad demonstrates a bigger love, a God-like love...
Let the rhyme and rhythm carry you through this visual overview of the plan of God. Bible references give background, and stir the mind to think deeper...
This Bible Study Guide covers the essential content of the book "What on Earth is Heaven Like?". Designed to be used by individuals, small groups, or Sunday School classes, it raises thought-provoking questions that can inspire discussion. Following the order of the book, chapter by chapter...
After a thorough search and study of each of the passages in the Bible, that deal with the future City of God, Janet has collated those Scriptures into a systematic theology of what the Scriptures itself says about the future city. The result is a unique examination of the details...
Children's Books
Janet's Books
God gives wonderful promises of what His home will be like, a home that is in heaven now but will someday be on earth. Characteristics of our Father's home are an amazingly relevant guide for our own homes today. A focus on heaven provides help that is down to earth...