Janet has brought together the heart of one passionate for truth, the skill of an able student of the Word, and the keen eye and hand of an artist. After a thorough search and study of each of the passages in the Bible, that deal with the future City of God, Janet has collated those Scriptures into a systematic theology of what the Scriptures itself says about the future city. The result is a unique examination of the details that are too often overlooked by people in their search for a description of the future. Her commitment to propositional revelation and the consistent interpretation of the Scriptures in the both Old and New Testaments brings the assurance of a study based on biblical facts.
But then as a skilled artist she is able to give us a portrait of what those details may look like. Looking at her careful illustrations, one sees, often for the first time, a rendering of what the Scriptures themselves describe. It is at once comprehensible, stunning, and changes your entire perspective about the eternal city. As I now read in God's Word about the eternal city, I am finally "able to imgaine it."
Janet's work is thorough without being overly technical, making it accessible to anyone who wants to be a better student or teacher of the Bible. She has done the church a wonderful service.
Dr. David L. Burggraff, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology, Shepherds Theological Seminary,Cary, NC

What on Earth
Is Heaven Like?
New Insights on the New Jerusalem

New Expanded Edition

New Research
& illustrations